by Steph | Aug 26, 2014 | book
I started walking at night while I was still sick. I had just returned home from India, battered and broken and relatively lifeless, and had little else to do but walk. Actually, at first anyway, I could do little else. I suppose I could have walked during the day but...
by Steph | May 22, 2014 | book
I hate running with a passion. I love sports, I love sweating, I love competition, but I hate running. I actually used to hate walking as well, but I’ve matured and now I love walking. My mom tells me that when I was young and we’d go for a family walk, I’d cry all...
by Steph | Apr 24, 2014 | book
I worked at a retirement home last year. It was the kind of retirement home in line with the Canadian Dream (aka The American Dream, but Canadian-style, with hockey talk and lots of dry wit) and was affectionately called, “a cruise ship that doesn’t go anywhere”. This...
by Steph | Mar 18, 2014 | book, Uncategorized
When I go to functions that have fancy food platters and such, I pick and choose, just like everyone else. I love the variety! But the fruit platters make me sad. Not because I don’t love fruit – I do! Fruit platters are such a good idea. And yet, platter after...
by Steph | Feb 11, 2014 | book, Uncategorized
Sometimes we wait for God to give us a sign before we’re willing to act – a burning bush, the perfect collision of a million events into one loud and clear epiphanous moment, a phone call, an open door, a strike of lightning, a short straw, a dream, or a...
by Steph | Jan 16, 2014 | book, Uncategorized
Life got small when I was depressed. Really small. It used to be big, filled with all sorts of things to make it full. You probably know the things I mean – a good career, friends, a decent social life, vacations, a church community, ministry and whatnot. And I...